Табонгпхет Пхутхавонг (Tabongphet Phouthavong) — выпускник ВКШ, является специалистом по коммуникациям ЮНИСЕФ в Лаосской Народно-демократической Республике с 2000 года. На протяжении более 20 лет он играет ключевую роль в реализации многочисленных инициатив в интересах детей и женщин.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 72nd Anniversary of the Lao Media and Printing, the Ministry of Information Culture and Tourism (MICT) has awarded Mr. Tabongphet Phouthavong, UNICEF Communication Specialist, the Labor Medal in recognition for his service in the capacity-building of mass media and youth participation and the promotion of women and children wellbeing in the Lao PDR.

The award ceremony was organized at MICT in the presence of H.E Mrs Souansavath Vignaket, Minister of Information Culture and Tourism and Dr Pia Rebello Britto, Reporesentative of UNICEF in Lao PDR. Representatives from deifferents ministries and organizations also attended the ceremony.

“Mr. Tabongphet Phouthavong has significantly contributed to strengthening and enhancing the cooperation between UNICEF and the Government of Lao PDR,” said Mr Somsavath Phongsa, Director General of Mass Media Department of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism.
“The Government of Lao PDR awards him with a Labor Medal in recognition of his hard work and vital contribution in areas of the Mass Media and youth participation and the promotion of Women and children wellbeing in the Lao PDR,” he added.

Mr Tabongphet Phouthavong has been a Communication Specialist for UNICEF Lao PDR since 2000. For over 20 years, he has played a pivotal role in numerous initiatives for the benefit of children and women.

“On behalf of UNICEF, I express my sincere gratitude to the Government of Lao PDR for the honour. UNICEF is very excited to continue our partnership with the Government of Lao PDR and all partners to enhance further the wellbeing of children and a brighter future for children,” stated Mr Tabongphet.https://www.unicef.org/laos/press-releases/unicef-communication-specialist-awarded-labor-medal-service-children-lao-pdr

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